Snoring as we all know is the sound caused while sleeping and is caused by the obstruction of airflow through the passageway during breathing when asleep. The decreasing muscle tone during the sleep causes a narrowing of the upper respiratory tract, either from poor sleep posture or abnormalities of the soft tissues in your throat. This narrowing accelerates the respiratory airflow, thereby various structures in the area of the upper respiratory tract start to vibrate and cause the snoring noise.
It can be a major cause for sleep disturbances resulting in stress, lack of energy, poor concentration and mood swings which can even lead to high blood pressure and heart problems in the long run.
The effectiveness of the Silensor-sl:
The Silensor-sl consists of one splint for the upper jaw and one for the lower jaw. The lower jaw is either held in a predetermined position or advanced by 2 connectors that are fixed laterally to the splint. The Silensor-sl thus counteracts the narrowing of the respiratory tracts. The velocity of the inspired air decreases and so do noise-generating vibrations of soft tissues. With the Silensor-sl jaw movements are possible but no falling back of the lower jaw. With this function the Silensor-sl is a comfortable and at the same time effective snoreguard.